
A few years ago, I needed a project. I had become consumed by a desire to use Rust, and I was trying to learn how to do complex things with it. Small projects and challenges were getting old and I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I needed something I was uncomfortable with.

Gone Fishing

One summer evening during a break from college, my sister Jade and I decided that we would go fishing the next morning. There’s a pond behind my parents’ house and a canoe that we liked to row around in. We don’t really fish, but it sounded like a good enough activity for a lazy summer day. We talked about the bait we’d use and how many fish we would catch and then went to bed.

Emory Walks

On Saturday, as we packed to come home from NYC, Emory decided that it was time to start walking! It’s hard to explain just how exciting it is, but maybe you can imagine. After a year of caring for this tiny person, we’re still on the right track. We’re doing alright, despite the mess-ups, hurry-ups, and clean-ups.

Tobby Tay

I’m worried that I’m forgetting about my daughter. Not generally, but how she is now, what her voice sounds like, and the way she jumps around like a frog. Her smile and her laugh and the lullabies she asks me to sing at night.

Emory Ava Dunbar

Nearly two years as a parent and I feel only marginally better at it. My second daughter was born Monday, October 28th 2013 weighing in at 6 lbs 10 oz and measuring 18.5 inches long.

Underscore Templates

It has come to my attention that perhaps Underscore templates are a bit misunderstood. Or, perhaps, the community is simply unaware of their best features and usage. Either way, I’d like to provide a primer for the uninitiated and a knowledge base for the rest. The goals and benefits of client side templating have been explored fairly thoroughly so I’ll jump right into the good stuff.

Side Effects of innerHTML

Today I learned (after a long and arduous debugging session) that innerHTML can have serious side effects when used in Internet Explorer. Consider the following:

Brighton Avery Dunbar

It’s official. I’m a father now. My daughter was born on Thursday, December 22nd 2011 weighing in at 7 lbs 6 oz and measuring 19.25 inches long. I’ve never been so happy or exhausted before in my life. My wife was amazing throughout the pregnancy and birth and our family has been incredibly loving and supportive in every way imaginable. Life will never be the same.

echo vs printf

Recently, I caused myself a giant headache because I was uninformed about echo and how it differs from printf (not to mention how it affected my code). Hopefully I can spare you the same pain. For the Software Tools Philosophy to work, one must have a working knowledge of the tools.

Bitwise Not & indexOf

Honestly, I’ve found precious few instances in which I need to use javascript’s bitwise not operator. However, I stumbled across a particularly nice usage of it this morning as I was perusing the express source.

Obligatory About Post

Hey! My name is brad. I’m a programmer and I hacked together this site in the hopes that two or three people would eventually check it out. Lately I’ve been thinking to myself